Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Indigo Jones and the Classical Language of Architecture

Inigo Jones and the Classical Language of Architecture Classical architecture elements can be traced from early Greek and Roman styles. Classici refer to the highest rank of Roman social structure. Classical norms are based on a formal hierarchal system of clarity, symmetry, deceptive simplicity, harmonious proportion and completeness. (Curl, 12) There is a difference seen between the inside and the outside of a building. Classical architecture develops every part individually as these parts become a larger whole. Orders, or columns, play an important role in the development of classical architecture. The parts of the order include a pedestal, but not always, a column and some type of horizontal element above the column.†¦show more content†¦The outside gives the appearance of a multi-story building. Two cherubs support a large shield in the pediment which was intended to contain a coat of arms. (Anderson 157) Ionic and engaged Corinthian orders are used. The orders on the exterior side walls combine flat and rounded columns with a pair of coupled pilasters at the end of each facade. Exterior street faà §ade show the classical element of symmetry matching left to right and right to left. One can view the differences from top to bottom and bottom to top. Lower window tops alternate rounded and pointed where upper windows are all flat topped. Each window and order section is a separate design but is also part of the complete building. The interior of the Banqueting House is not multi-storied but a single double cube room. The space has Ionic orders under and Corinthian orders over a cantilevered gallery. (Summerson 53) The flat ceiling is covered with Ruben panels. The Banqueting House is still in use today for concerts, government function and private parties. Inigo Jones was picked to design a new Chapel at St. James Palace. The Queen’s Chapel is a double cube hall with a coffered ceiling that has an adjoining Queen’s Closet. There is a triple window rising behind the altar. The center rounded window rises higher than the two flanking windows and is topped with carved angels and falling garlands. The Queen’s Closet is a gallery separated from the chapel by Corinthian pilasters andShow MoreRelatedExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pagesdepot. As an old Etonian (the UK’s most elitist private school), a graduate of Oxford University and a former merchant banker, Palumbo was an unlikely entrant into a dance culture that was still raw and far from respectable. He actually preferred classical music. The club’s name, the Ministry of Sound, ironically recalled Palumbo’s father, a former Minister in the Conservative government of the day. Yet within just 10 years, Palumbo built the Ministry of Sound into a music and media empire worth nearly

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